Oak tree with sunrise

Friday Evening Spiritual Development Classes

Our Friday spiritual tutorial lectures start promptly at 7.30pm as Zoom meetings and usually finish at 9.00pm. All are welcome and if you would like more information please contact us. There are always opportunities to ask questions with advice from our spiritual tutors. The cost per person is £5.

Meeting dates for 2024.

12th April:Spiritual Development Class“Sensory Awareness”

19th April:Spiritual Development Class“The Need for Sugar” overfeeding the needs of the brain

26th April:Spiritual Development Class“Standing on the Fence” a most uncomfortable position.

3rd May:Spiritual Development Class“The Rites of Spring” traditional preparations for the harvest.

10th May:Spiritual Development Class“Summer Offensive”

17th May:Spiritual Development Class“Let's Talk Meditation”

24th May:Spiritual Development Class“Writing Suggestions” Erasmus.

31st May:Spiritual Development Class“Taxing the Brain” wasting opportunities whilst not exploiting the mind.

7th June:Spiritual Development Class“Physical Exercise” is it necessary? Relaxes the brain, feeds the mind with nature, oils the muscles and services the body engine.

14th June:Spiritual Development Class“Managing Stress” anger management.

21st June:Spiritual Development Class“What Does the Great Mind Require of Us”observing the Natural Law.

28th June:Spiritual Development Class“The Alternative Holiday”